søndag 23. oktober 2011

Lage App? Da må du sjekke ut Appsmakerstore!

For utrolige 50-60 NOK i mnd kan du nå lage din egen App, uten sofware, tech kjennskap osv. Fungerer også som mobil website med omdirigering fra din hjemmeside, kan lastes opp på iTunes, Android Marked og synkes med Facebook.

Ingen bindingstid
Gjør det selv pakker eller få hjelp av en designer.


Twitter tips.

Twitter er fremdeles litt nytt for mange Norske brukere. Vurderer du seriøst å gå inn i dette med hele sjelen kan dette anbefales http://twittercounter.com Et nyttig verktøy som hjelper deg med tall, slikt at du kan måle og lage en bedre tjeneste.

Oversikt ellers over de mest populære Twitter brukerne finner du her http://twittercounter.com/pages/100

mandag 17. oktober 2011

Is The Tech Good For Kids and when can you start?

When the iPad launched earlier this year, people were scrambling to purchase Apple’s latest hot new gadget and I for one, was quite skeptical. I felt as though this giant iPod Touch was over-hyped and quite honestly couldn’t understand how it would form useful in day-to-day life. Apple sent us the iPad to review a couple of months ago and I have to say, my views and findings on this gadget are not what I had expected.

good use of Apple iPad can become one of the best gadgets for education and entertainment of our children. Play and learn! For children, the iPad is a brilliant, educational device with a powerful format to teach and grow your child’s mind and intelligence. There is really no right or wrong way to hold the iPad. Whether your child flips it from right to left, up or down, the iPad automatically adapts even when turning it over and over again. 

It's also something that you can do together. As there is tech out there that support this and all that's not Ludo, can also be good :-)

At least that's my experience as my Julian (2 1/2 year old) that already knows all the most important stuff like Youtube, he have learned the numbers 1-15, puzzle, songs, books Apps. He also remember the password and can open the iPad him self now :-) 

I had the same experience with my oldest son Casper (12 now) with PC and learning games from age 2. I believe this gave him a great advantage with reading, computer and mathematics

Still don't force your kid, as for me I am just following up on their interest. And yes, we also do outdoor activities. 

mandag 26. september 2011

Er du lei Facebook?

Rart hvor lei man blir av Facebook egentlig..... "Du vet at Facebook bare er Facebook, og at dersom du vil ha virkelighet, må du logge ut." Enig i mye her, men ikke alt. Eks katogri 3 mangler, "de som vil markedføre noe", kunne også lagt til flere. Da dette er oppsummert/kopi av større undersøkelse 6-7 mnd tilbake i tid. Men greit at Dagbladet gjorde den til sin egen på Norsk :-) Mvh "kategori to finnes de litt mer raffinerte og kule" lol :-) Du kan lese hele her http://www.dagbladet.no/2011/09/26/kultur/kommentar/facebook/debatt/internett/18298957/ 

onsdag 21. september 2011


‎3 kaffe, Ginseng, lister, pad og mac på plass, sterio headset og varmer opp til hardkjør på telefon. I dag skal Carlsen vise gamle kunster :-)


tirsdag 20. september 2011

Forced advertisement on YouTube

Forced advertisement on YouTube. What can I say? Extremely annoying and waste of my time. I can't catch the content, although I concentrate.

søndag 18. september 2011

Mark Zuckerberg "LIKE"

Near 27.000 "LIKES" in 26 minutes for an event I am sure that 99% of them don't know anything about. :-)

The speed of Facebook communication, impressive!